GGN ExB wished that you could step out of the virtual world to offer, if you wish, a bit more materiality to your inhabitants.
Thus, you can print a photo exhibition and/or a GGN time spiral.


This exhibition comprises 75 high-quality photos suitable for printing in a 60 cm x 40 cm format. Each image is associated with a specific Geopark and accompanied by a brief description highlighting its unique actions or features. Visitors can conveniently access the website of the respective Geopark using a QR code provided alongside each photo.

The photos are organized into different categories that illustrate the primary objectives of the GGN. Additionally, a digital book is available for download, along with an 80 cm x 60 cm poster and a series of promotional posts for the exhibition.All of these materials can be easily adapted to the national or local language.

This time spiral has a © GGN.
It will allow you to place, if you wish, the sites of your Geoparks connected to moments in the history of the Earth and the evolution of life.

This poster can be printed in an A1 format (59.4 x 84.1cm). The back of the poster can also be printed to provide more information about your Geopark and the sites that you have placed along the time spiral.
In this case, the poster can be distributed, folded in A4.

As for all the others tools edited for the GGN 20th anniversary, it is perfectly adaptable to all national or local language.

20 yearS ggn:
the photo exhibition


time spiral